“Trauma is not what happens to you...it is what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you.”
Gabor Mate,MD
My Story
"Healing isn’t just about the trauma itself; it’s about acknowledging, accepting, and choosing to move forward to break the patterns."
Trauma isn’t just about what happened to us; it’s about what was missing. Growing up, I never felt safe to be myself, and my needs often went unmet. This left me with deep emotional wounds that shaped my adult life.
Without love or support, patterns like fear, self-doubt, and isolation became a painful reality. The most devastating effects were persistent feelings of unworthiness, chronic anxiety, and a constant struggle to trust others. My healing journey began when I started recognizing these patterns and understanding their roots.
Healing from Complex PTSD starts with realizing that your needs matter. By addressing these needs and confronting the past, you can transform your life. It’s not you—it’s your patterns. Healing means moving forward with compassion for both your past and present self.
If my journey resonates with you, remember that healing from childhood trauma and C-PTSD is possible. You deserve the support to reclaim your life
Ways we can work together
Private EFT Tapping for Trauma
These private sessions providea safe space for those looking to break free from past trauma and create lasting change
Trauma Recovery Support Sessions
Comprehensive Trauma Healing Program-6 months
Experience a full mind-body healing program for long-term transformation.

I was an actress in Montreal in the early 2000s
I love platform shoes and disco
I’ve been practicing full-contact martial arts for over a decade
I even hosted my own podcast interviewing luminaries such as Marianne Wlliamson, Danielle LaPorte and Gabrielle Bernstein
A member of:
Ready to work together?
You don’t have to suffer in silence, get the support you need to recover.