Trauma Recovery Support Sessions


Gain coping skills, enhance self-awareness, and foster resilience. These sessions alleviate anxiety, promote a sense of safety, grounding, and reconnection with the body, Each session is 75 minutes.

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Healing Through Evidence-Based Trauma Support

This is where proven techniques and compassion support your path to trauma recovery.

Effective Techniques used:

  1. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping: EFT Tapping is a powerful mind-body technique that combines acupressure and cognitive restructuring to alleviate emotional distress. Research has shown its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of trauma, anxiety, and stress.

  2. Matrix Reimprinting: Matrix Reimprinting is an advanced form of EFT that resolves past traumas and negative beliefs by creating new, empowering memories. It is supported by research and produces profound shifts in perception and behaviour

  3. .Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): MBSR techniques, backed by science, are tools to manage stress, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts associated with trauma.

Key Benefits for Your Healing:

  1. Managing Feelings: Learn tools to handle strong emotions, reduce the power of triggers and help you feel more in control.

  2. Understanding Your Body: Discover ways to connect with your body and its signals, promoting safety and self-awareness.

  3. Processing Emotions Safely: Explore your feelings in a safe space, gradually releasing the hold of past trauma and finding peace.

  4. Dealing with Triggers: Gain strategies to lessen the impact of triggers, empowering you to respond calmly and confidently.

  5. Finding Peace of Mind: Experience relief from intrusive thoughts and memories, allowing you to focus on the present and build a brighter future.

What You Can Expect:

  • A safe, confidential space where your experiences are respected.

  • A personalized plan tailored to your needs using evidence-based techniques. 

  • Support and guidance as you take steps towards healing and reclaiming your life.

Your safety and comfort are my top priority as we take the first step towards healing together.